Ruma Smilin Massage Oil

Ruma Smilin Massage Oil

Get relief from Rheumatic, muscular, joint, bad sciatica and lumbago pains, naturally

In the modern age, your eating habits and body posture often lead to many joints related diseases like Arthritis and Muscular pains. Naturealms Organics Muscular pain ayurvedic oils relieves and heal these pains, naturally.

  • Star Ingredient: Narayan (नारायण), Gandhapuro (गंधापुरो) & Vishgarbha (विशगर्भा) oil
  • Provides relief in Arthriti related pain
  • Relieves join and muscular pain
  • Provides relief in Sciatica pain
  • Reduces Lumbago pain (पीठ के नीचे वाले हिस्से में दर्द)
  • Each bottle contains 100ml oil
  • Best for Age: 18+ and above
  • Formulation: Pure  Ayurvedic



In the modern age, we often tend to bypass traditional cures as massage oils and head straight for painkillers when it comes to joint pain!

Our Muscular pain ayurvedic oil (Ruma Smilin) is a therapeutic massage oil that works like magic on sore muscles!

Muscular pain ayurvedic oil (Ruma Smilin) benefits

  1. Nature Alms Organics Ruma Smilin Massage Oil is comprised of only organic oils. One of the main oils in the mixture is the vishgarbha oil which is the age-old Ayurvedic cure for proper lubrication of muscles and joints. It helps in the management of pain as a muscle relaxant.
  2. This massage oil is also quite helpful in the case of sprains. It is pain killer oil and just needs a few minutes of thorough massage.
  3. This Muscular pain ayurvedic oil also has “gandhapuro” or wintergreen oil. This oil not only alleviates topical pain relief but also prevents bacterial infection with the help of antibacterial ingredients.
  4. Nature Alms Organics Ruma Smilin Massage Oil also has “Narayana” oil which in Ayurvedic texts finds its main importance in the cure of rheumatoid arthritis. So before rushing to the medical store, you may want to try this oil for a week. It is sure to relieve some of the pain! Mahanarayan oil is also meant to reduce muscle tension and treat sore muscles and joints.
  5. The Ruma Smilin oil is a boon for athletes and those who have physically demanding jobs! This relieves tension in the muscles and relaxes the tendon. So you can try this after a particularly gruelling gym session or trek!


Ogni compressa di 950mg contiene estratti transformati ottenuti da:

  • Narayan Oil 25%
  • Vishgarbha Oil 25%
  • Maha Mash Oil 25%
  • Gandhapuro Oil 25%

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