Cerebex Capsules

Cerebex Capsules

A perfect brain tonic for improved awareness and a sharper memory

These Memory-Boosting capsules are the best memory boosting brain tonic for you and your family. This memory-enhancing brain tonic contains Brahmi and other powerful ingredients that are good for your brain.

  • Star Ingredient: Brahmi (ब्राह्मी)
  • A complete brain tonic
  • Aids in improving memory
  • Keeps you sharp and attentive
  • Can help fight mental illness
  • Each bottle contains 60 Capsules
  • Best for Age: 18+ and above
  • Formulation: Pure  Ayurvedic



get the blessings of nature in a bottle. Nature Alms Organics Cerebex Capsule is the perfect blend of ancient Ayurveda and modern medical science. Our Cerebex Capsules offers multiple benefits for our brain and body. It has a very important place in our Mind Care Products category.

Our Memory-boosting capsules have the following positive effects:

  1. Scientific studies show that taking Brahmi brain tonic daily improves a person’s attention span, critical thinking abilities, and contributes positively to a person’s overall intelligence.
  2. These memory-boosting Capsules is a powerful medicine for memory enhancement. Regular consumption of Cerebex Capsules will improve your memory within a very short time. The proven benefits of Cerebrx Brain Tonic make it an essential supplement, especially for growing kids and children. However, adults and elderly persons can also be benefitted from it.
  3. When it comes to memory-boosting supplement, Brahmi is the number one choice for most people. However, Cerebex capsules also contain powerful antioxidants that are good for your overall health, not just the brain.
  4. Brain tonics also help reduce mental illnesses like depression, anxiety and stress.
  5. Inflammation in our body gives birth to many painful health complications such as arthritis. Brain tonics like cerebex capsules that contain Brahmi, reduce inflammation of the body and provide relief from sore muscles.
  6. Brahmi also reduce blood pressure levels. So, it’s especially good for people with high blood pressure.

We only use the best quality raw ingredients and manufacture products that are completely safe and healthy. With the daily dose of Cerebex brain tonic, you will experience the change within weeks.


Each Memory-boosting Capsule of 500mg Contains processed extracts obtained from:
(Ogni compressa di 500mg contiene estratti transformati ottenuti da:)

  • Bacopa monnieri 350mg
  • Convolvulus pluricaulis 350mg
  • Celastrus panicculatus 150mg
  • Glcyrrhiza Glabra 50mg
  • Gum acacia (inert binder) 50mg

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